Monday, January 6, 2014


595 Lakeshore Drive Gladwin Michigan - Smallwood Lake

For our Family and Friends...This cottage feels secluded from the Hustle and Bustle of the outside world. However, it is just a few minutes outside the quaint town of Gladwin, Michigan providing us all with most of the conveniences we are all accustomed to. Moreover it is just over a two and a half hour drive North of the Detroit border which makes it a short drive to relaxation.
Twenty Five minutes North is a little Larger town with an Outlet Mall and a few additional commonly known restaurants.
Swimming, Fishing, Canoeing, Shopping or......
Absolutely Nothing!

Cottage from the Road Side

View from the water side with our new sea-wall, dock, deck and sandy beach. (2013)

New Sunroom in 2013. Start your morning eating your breakfast watching the lake and end your day playing cards around the table with a cool breeze.

Master Bedroom with a new queen size bed.

The Bunk Room has three single beds and one double bed.

The Living room has a million dollar view of Smallwood Lake, a Rustic feel, with the comforts of home.

New furniture, DVD and a Flat screen TV.

Enjoy safe Swimming right off our Dock.

Going no where and all day to get there!

New Sandy Beach, Dock and Sea Wall.

Enjoy your morning coffee overlooking the lake and watching the fish jump.

Fall is maybe the best Time!


Best napping spot "In The World"

Our favorite Indoor Room!

With a view to the Lake.

Beautiful sun sets across the lake every night.

Rental Agreement for 595 Lakeshore Dr. Gladwin Michigan

Pets - Absolutely no pets allowed

Camp Fires – Camp fires are only to take place in the fire ring provided. The renter is fully responsible for their camp fires. Windy and Dry conditions may make it dangerous to have a camp fire. A person having a camp fire that gets out of control will be billed by the Ministry of Natural Resources for All damages and services related. You the renter assume all responsibilities in regards to your camp fires and related damages. You can contact the MNR for camp fire recommendation and risk for the area that day.

Garbage – Please place all garbage in the bin provided at the road and close the lid. Garbage pick-up is Tuesday mornings.

Well Water - Our water here is well water which is used for Showering, cooking, etc. It has been tested and deemed safe to drink. It is not sulfur but has a mild mineral taste. We bring drinking water for ourselves for drinking but we use the tap water for our cooking and for brushing our teeth.

Septic – We have a fully functioning septic system. However as it is an older system we ask you to please help us conserve the amount of water and paper we run into the system.

Heat and Air Conditioning – The Cottage is equipped with a fully functioning forced air gas furnace and an Air Conditioner

Phone – The phone is available for your use. The plan includes free calls in the U.S. and to Canada. The renter assumes responsibility for all calls outside these countries.

Bedding – The renter is to bring their own sheets or sleeping bags. The Master Bedroom has a queen bed. The second bedroom has three singles and one double bed. Rails for upper bunks are under the bunk beds. (Also, extra folding chairs are under the bed)

Personal EffectsPlease bring your own bath & beach towels, wash clothes, shampoo, soap, tooth paste, etc.

BBQ – There is a BBQ for your use, please keep it far enough away from the cottage/sheds. As well, please clean after use.

White Shed – The white shed contains tubes for floating, ladder ball, marsh mellow skewers and life jackets (jackets for adults only… Please bring life jackets for children) and extra lawn chairs all for your use. Please return to the shed when done. The grey shed is off limits to renters.

Fishing – Bring your own fishing equipment as it is not provided.

Canoe – A canoe is available for your use. Please keep it up on the shore, out of the water when not in use. This will keep it from getting damaged from passing boats. Please wear life jackets when in canoe. The renter assumes responsibility for the canoe if damaged.

Motorized vehicles – All Cars, ATV’s, Snowmobiles or other equipment/vehicles are to remain on the DRIVEWAY side of the picnic table. We have a septic System and soft sand that cannot handle the weight and could damaged the system by these vehicles.

Cleanup – In an effort to keep the cost reasonable, we ask the renters to put the cottage back in the same order and cleanliness as when they arrived (or better). We ask you to give a quick cleaning of the bathroom (cleaning supplies under the kitchen sink), vacuum the floors, put beds back as when you arrived, and generally tidy in and outside. In some cases, other renters will be arriving later in the day in which you are leaving. We ourselves would not have time to come clean the cottage in between renters. We want all to enjoy our humble but clean cottage the same.

Gladwin County Sherriff – They patrol Smallwood Lake on a regular basis. They will fine you if on a personal water craft with no Jacket. Fishing without a license (even from the dock), (license available at corner store at M60 and M31), or driving a boat without ID or proper registration. Please know the regulations and follow them. We want you to enjoy your stay.

Swimming – Please supervise all children and non-swimmers. The water is shallow at the shore but drops off approximately 10-12 ft out from the shore. Water Shoes are recommended (there are some rocks that could hurt the tender tootsies).

Cottage Rental Rates – (payable prior to arrival)

Rate - $750.00 per week (June  to Sept 15) or $110.00 per night

           $550.00 per week (Sept 15 to May) or $100.00 per night

Bow Rider Boat Rental - (only to approved, experienced boaters carrying a “safe boater’s permit”). NO DRIVERS allowed under the age of 21 years old regardless of “safe boaters” permit and/or experience… Unless the approved, experienced boater over 21, carrying a permit, is in the boat with them. No Exceptions!  (please cover the boat at the end of each day to keep dew and rain out of it)

Rate for Boat- $650.00 per week or $110.00 daily rate (and a $1000.00 deposit for insurance deductable in case of damages.             Refundable upon checking proper condition of boat)

By signing this document you are agreeing to the above statements and understand the information.

Renters name Printed:  _________________________


 Renters Signature:        _________________________

Dated:                                  ___________________________

We wish you lots of fun, peace and rest….at the Waffle Family cottage!